Debate on guns at University of Chicago Law School on Friday

The Federalist Society of the University of Chicago Law School presents a debate between John Lott and John Donohue entitled: "Do More Guns Result in Less Crime?" Dr. Lott is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research where he researches crime, antitrust, education, gun control, campaign finance, and voting and legislative behavior. He is the author of More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws. Professor Donohue is a professor of law at Yale Law School and the author of many articles, including "Shooting Down the 'More Guns, Less Crime' Hypothesis," 55 Stanford Law Review 1193 (with Ian Ayres) The debate will be moderated by Prof. Bernard Harcourt and will be held at the Law School on Thursday, December 2nd at 12:15pm.

UPDATE:Unfortunately, John Donohue has withdrawn from the University of Chicago debate on Guns at the last moment. No one apparently understands why Donohue really backed out of the debate just a couple of days before the event. The debate had been set up months in advance.

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Debate on guns at University of Chicago Law School on Friday
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