Has a senior Republican ever compared Democrats to Nazis? Here is the discussion in the New York Daily News.
Remember when Pelosi claimed that those opposed to the Obama health care plan were Nazis because she pointed to one sign with a line through a Swastikas.
Comparing GOP tactics to the fast-striking forces of Nazi Germany, Biden warns in a message sent by the DCCC today: “As things heat up, you can expect House Democrats will be hit with a GOP blitzkrieg of vicious Swift-Boat-style attack ads, Karl Rove-inspired knockout tactics, thinly veiled attempts at character assassination and tea party disruptions.”
And while the GOP is mounting a blitzkrieg, Democrats are the allies.
“Our Democratic allies in the House need your help, and the President and I hope we can count on you to come to their defense so we can hold onto our Democratic Majority and continue moving American forward in a new direction,” Biden writes in the appeal. . . .
Remember when Pelosi claimed that those opposed to the Obama health care plan were Nazis because she pointed to one sign with a line through a Swastikas.
Overheated Democrat rhetoric?