Concealed Carry Permit Holder Stops Bank Robbery

This story about a robbery stopped in a bank by a concealed handgun permit holder from the Detroit Reporter:

Good Samaritan with concealed weapon thwarts would-be bank robber

Canton, MI -- June 17, 2008 -- A would-be bank robber is expected to be arraigned Tuesday after his attempt to rob a Canton bank ended with a bank customer pulling his concealed pistol and arresting the man.

According to police:

A 54-year-old Washtenaw County man walked up to the teller and handed her a hand-written note stating he had a bomb strapped to his body and demanded money. The clerk hit the silent alarm and began putting singles into a bag when the suspect demanded “bands of 50s and 100s”.

An adjacent teller witnessed the transaction and alerted the customer to the robbery. The long-time customer asked the teller if she was sure and the teller stated, “Yes”.

The customer then turned toward the bank robber pulled a concealed handgun, pointed it at the robber and racked a round into the chamber stating, “You are not robbing this bank!”

The robber replied, “But, I have a bomb." The patron stated again, “I don’t care; you are not robbing this bank!” The patron then escorted the would-be robber over to a chair, sat him down and held him at gun point until police arrived.

There were no injuries reported, there was no bomb found on scene, and there were no issues concerning the patron’s Concealed Pistol License (CPL). The suspect was taken into custody and the Canton Police along with the FBI are continuing with their investigation. . . . .

Thanks to my cousin Bob Lott for sending this to me.

WXYZ-TV has the same story here.
Gun Beats Bomb in Bank Robbery, June 18, 2008

He tells he pulled out a .9 mm handgun (for which he had a CCW permit), racked a bullet in the chamber, pointed it at Webster and announced, "You are not robbing this bank!" . . .

Police tell there were no injuries, no issues with Fawzi's CCW permit, and no bomb found at the scene.

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Concealed Carry Permit Holder Stops Bank Robbery
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